Author Archives: bewest



don’t do this ouch: Fatal error: Unknown column ‘u.status’ in ‘where clause’ query: SELECT u.*, s.* FROM users u INNER JOIN sessions s ON u.uid = s.uid WHERE s.sid = ‘d875bff2aebf8ef0709e517ce1f1d1c1’ AND u.status

questions: vim and wordpress interop

I like to edit text using vim. I’d like to use vim to work on my wordpress posts. I like using a textwidth of 78. However, if I leave the newlines in the source, wordpress interprets each one as a hard linebreak. If I don’t use a textwidth, it’s harder to navigate through my source. […]

one way to improve amazon

This was actually Tantek’s idea, from a microformats discussion. Support “TITLE by AUTHOR” syntax. Use “by” to split the query.

one way to improve firefox 2 tabs

The “close tab” button in firefox 1.5 had a really nice feature: monotony. That button was always in the same place, no matter what. The tabs in firefox 2.0 have individual close tab buttons. While this helps us immerse ourselves in the interface thanks to the effects of direct manipulation, it makes it very frustrating […]

webforms 2 submission/validation model

I was reading some of the webforms 2 spec, when I stumbled across the steps for form submission. The first step is to check the form for validity, presumably using an implementation in the user agent. The 6th and 7th step deal with encoding and sending the form to the server, and step 8, the […]

len() calls to python strings

I’m pretty confused about the results I’m getting from a little python test involving len() on strings. Since strings are immutable, I was wondering what happens when len() is called, and what performance considerations I may need to keep in mind. I figure if it was immutable, calls to len() might get cached, and there […]

idea:schema2class using breve and metaclass

I’m sorry this renders so poorly. WordPress won’t let me use CSS, so I’m stuck, until I get a proper site of my own. Try either or to see it better. “”” An experiment using breve xml library, and metaclass. Author: Ben West Email: bewest at gmail blog: I hang out on […]

reminiscing: pdq bach and serpents

I started whistling the “O Serpent” song today, and felt compelled to inform my roommates of all the information I had on it. In researching, I came across Doug Yeo’s site, and his PDQ Bach web page. I started reading, expecting general information about serpents and PDQ Bach, but it was mostly about a specific […]

ec2 is nifty

I saw this really neat ec2 setup to balance load across an ec2 vpn connected to a real “master”.